Simple smart home recipes

Simple smart home recipes

Vacuuming on demand

Using an automatic vacuum cleaner can get more convenient than ever. Say a simple “Hey Google, start cleaning up” command to the Google Home voice assistant and take care of your business while the vacuum cleaner takes care of order in your house. RGBW Controller will change the color of the lighting to orange to inform the households that the cleaning is still in progress, so a crawling baby should wait for a while on mom's lap.

Voice assistant

RGBW Controller


And the washing is over

When the laundry is located in a remote corner of the house, you can receive a notification about the finished washing process. In addition, the lamps are blinking in the room and living room, in case you do not have a smartphone with you while doing your stuff. Moreover The Heat Controller willl raise the temperature in the drying room, to dry the loudry quickly. Now you know when to hang out the laundry without constantly looking at your watch.

LG Washer

The Heat Controller

RGBW Controller

The perfect film screening

Create the perfect mood for the evening movie with just one simple voice command. Turn on the “Home Cinema” scene by telling a command to turn on the TV and speakers, cover the blinds and activate the appropriate lighting simultaneously. Wait a short while and everything is ready! Have you prepared your popcorn yet?

Voice assistant

RGBW Controller


TV Philips

Yamaha sound system

And the washing is over

By launching the Goodnight scene, you can not only prepare your home for a quiet night by arming an alarm or turning on an air purifier. Formerly loaded washing machine and dishwasher, may turn when it's best time-of-use energy rate.

LG Washer

Air Purifier

Samsung Dishwasher

Alarm System

Best party with best friends

How to turn a living room into a atmospheric restaurant? All you need is one button to dim or change the color of the light, turn on the music and lower the temperature, because the atmosphere will definitely get hot. Now everything is ready so let the conversation begin.

The Button

RGBW Controller

Denon sound system